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Steel Structure how to face the challenge in future?    2013/3/23  Viewcount : 0
      The history of the development of China's steel structure, clearly recorded the adjustment of the national limit of steel to encourage steel policy, also laid the material foundation for the development of the steel construction industry and policy environment. The steel construction industry, including design and construction (manufacturing, installation), which is designed living in the first place. Steel Design The first step is to correctly select the structure of the program, select the correct program, steel structure building and land, energy-saving, materials, economic, applicable, aesthetics and other advantages will be better.
The next decade will be to adjust the pattern of the world steel industry and further development period, is also a critical period of China's big and powerful nations of the world steel structure grand goal. In the steel, shipbuilding, construction of high-speed rail, China has been the largest in the world, are trying to forward to the steel structure superpower. China's economy has entered a very important transition period, this period can be understood from two aspects. On the one hand, from now to 2020, this period can be seen as a period of strategic opportunities in China. In the long term, international economic trends of China's national strength is beneficial. On the other hand, this period can also be seen as a strategic transition. The transformation of China's economic system will be deepened in this period. Mode of economic development will occur the system, a fundamental shift. The measure of economic development will no longer simply around the GDP, but to integrated production, innovations, research and development capabilities, operation mode, and many other factors to be measured.
In over 30 years of reform and opening up, China's economy achieved rapid development, China has become a major economic power, but also can not be called an economic power. The future of our country, our business in the development process, will face greater challenges. Enterprises in the expansion of the scale, while paying greater attention to improve control over the core technology innovation capability. More attention should be paid adhere to the guidance of the scientific concept of development, the transformation of the mode of development, and expand their horizons, thus promoting China's steel industry is sustained, healthy and rapid development.
The steel structure enterprise how to face greater challenges in the future?
A steel structure industrial development as a national strategy
In the process of the transformation of the mode of economic development, should be developed as a strategic adjustment of industrial structure, the national steel industry revitalization plan. First, the state should increase policy support. Currently, the development of China's steel industry is at a critical period, countries should continue to increase industry support efforts to increase R & D investment, stepping up the introduction of the implementation of the tax and financial incentives to encourage the use of steel building products, such as: large span building high-rise large bridges. Strong proponent of schools, hospitals, airports, railway stations, sports stadiums, construction steel, included in the national reserve of steel and construction steel above.
Chinese steel structure units and enterprises called on government departments to give more opportunity to display their most businesses can participate in all types of steel works, give full play to the role of energy efficiency of steel structure.
The steel industry enterprise strategy
Design level
Since the reform and opening up, China's steel industry into science across a new situation in the development of more and more high, steel construction, the scale span increasing, growing new styling.
The steel structure designer should follow the philosophy of multi-use structure, small fee to provide the maximum carrying capacity with minimal structure. Structural designers building structural steel should be regarded as the highest state of the design level. China in recent years some buildings pursuit of weird, actually made out of not only the level is not high, and wasted a lot of manpower, material and financial resources. Best Steel often component layout condensed, Mindshare short path Jie, the miniaturization of the node, to show the charm of modern steel structure.
The face of intensifying international competition, it is particularly important to strengthen the overall design of capacity-building, including the introduction of international design team, including enterprise designed to enhance the strength of this, our program --- international thinking, international the eyes of the international perspective. I hope as soon as possible to set up a world-class steel structure and design institutes to meet the rapid development of China's steel industry needs. Implement the concept of "green, low-carbon, saving steel design in the design process.
In the past, professional eye to look at the architectural design, it is a highly technical and knowledge. However, advances in technology today, the construction sector increasingly highlighted the high degree of integration of art and architecture. And the architectural appearance of elegance with precision internal structure complementary to each other, against the background of a country's level of building development, reflecting the economic strength of a country! Therefore, China's steel structure technology matures, will inevitably reflected in row upon row of tall buildings, it is bound to show under the eyes of the Chinese and foreign people from the venues of the Beijing Olympic Games, Shanghai World Expo China Pavilion, to the Asian Games in Guangzhou, Shenzhen Universiade , as well as the cities in which more and more modern steel building with a strong visual impact, which strongly beckons: Chinese steel spring has come! Our design unit and design staff to fully emancipate the mind, to be creative; want to use a new, lightweight structural system.
Association level
The Association is the big stage of national steel structure industry exchanges. Through the establishment of a public information platform, in order to adapt to today's industry, the arrival of the information age. Social resources information dissemination network, substantial increase in the utilization of resource information, in the face of such a change in the situation, based on their own strength, we must also come up with enthusiasm and energy technology research, and win market information collection and transmission this battle. On this issue in order to not fall behind, we must actively build our own information carrier. Enterprises in order to ride the waves to travel, to rely on a steady stream of market demand encouraged to promote, while at the same time become increasingly volatile market forces us to constantly adjust the direction and constantly update their own technology to grow and develop. Shows and publicity by the Association of Chinese steel construction achievements and outstanding achievements, is bound to have a profound impact on the promotion of green industry and circular economy on behalf of one of the steel structure.
Manufacturing level
In recent years, the industry to further promote the market-oriented reform, its theoretical basis is one of the steel supply chain integration and optimization. From the point of view of the supply chain, to observe the orientation of market-oriented reforms of the steel structure, which is a broader vision, not only theoretical summary, at the same time you can open up more ideas for the future development of practice.
In the steel structure manufacturing level, our vision should be aimed at the construction of the supply chain. In today's world, the completion of the market allocation of resources through the supply chain become more and more popular, more and more companies recognize that competition is not just between companies, the competition between the brand and the brand competition, supply chain and The competition between the supply chain. Supplier to the user's logistics chain, chain of information and capital chain around the core business, to control the information flow, logistics, capital flow, it is not only a connection, and more is a value-added chain. Due to processing, packaging, transport and process the material in the supply chain to increase its value, eventually all enterprises in the supply chain and production departments can get the most benefit and development.
The steel structure is a special industry, the plan management style is its basic characteristics. Program management and there is no problem, but a long time, the industry formed to market ability of supply and ways of thinking, has seriously hampered the development of the industry. Therefore, steel industry, the implementation of the construction of the supply chain is not only the demand of the theory, and objective practice needs. Uphold and improve the steel structure quality based on objective practice requires industry must push forward market-oriented reform, the entire industry supply chain must implement market-oriented, while the steel industry chain must be efficient, standardized and dynamic.
The steel industry supply chain corporate positioning according to their own functions, each focused on their core business to carry out production and business activities, in order to optimize the allocation of resources in the industry. Specialization significantly improve the operational efficiency of individual economic entities in the supply chain, making the industry the operators of the "integration" pattern is broken, the conversion process is the principal industry, enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, promoting the development of the industry.
The guiding role of the market to promote industrial and commercial enterprises have focused attention on itself enhance core competitiveness, concern the improvement of product quality and service level improvement. The industry resources nationwide reasonable flow and optimized allocation of enterprises have a competitive advantage and brand will get more opportunities for development, and the lack of competitive advantage companies and brands will gradually withdraw from the market, the formation of "the strong stronger and the weak weaker situation. At the same time, due to the changing market demand and market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, will convince the companies to overcome inertia, continuous innovation, and strive to become bigger and stronger.
, Steel structure industry brands and talent strategy
The steel industry, "the pride of China, we started from. Today, as a green industry and circular economy represents one of the Chinese steel industry, has become the center of attention of the world with the industry, we should steel to the steel structure of the "Made in China" Created in China ". Numerous masters and elite has created in the course of building the brand in China, too numerous to mention outstanding works. These works full of national architectural wisdom while more and more integration of the rhythm of the times, to keep up with the pace of the world. China's steel industry is not only a quality project to the domestic market, brand engineering, but also to establish a steel structure brand in the global construction market.
Talent strategy, in line with the following guiding principle of: "Academy training mechanisms fail in their mission, the revitalization of Steel." The focus of international competition in the 21st century is a talent competition for resources, and determine the quantity and quality of human resources key is education. The steel industry talent education must keep up with the pace of the steel industry. Currently, full-time secondary education in China steel professional, full-time higher education college, undergraduate and steel structure, steel structure research directions offered only at the graduate of technical and management personnel in the steel company was systematically studied the steel structure. This leads to a scarcity of talent in key positions in the steel industry, steel enterprises and technical personnel, management personnel expertise incomplete study civil engineering specialty steel production do not understand and learn not familiar machinery and other professional steel structure installation steel structure graduate students is rare, after all, only in the large steel companies have. Therefore, called on the country to set up a steel structure professional schools, and job training to give the steel industry as well as post-education more attention.
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